Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A yob is a yob.

I want to enjoy what I do...but working at a bank was never my cup of tea. In all honesty I only went back because I knew the pay is good and I would get hired because of my experience. This isn't it though. My calling is elsewhere. Perhaps to be a writer. A musician. A something other than what I do right now. Transition periods are tough sometimes. Ok, most of the time. I move back home from working on a dadgum fishing boat and homestead in Alaska to working at a bank...captivating. There is just no thrill, no excitement, no growth in this type of environment. I would love to do landscaping or manual labor of any sort. That way you get a good workout (which I need since my guns are getting a little saggy) and you can look back after a hard day's work and see progress.
The same comes from writing either a book, songs, or even a blog. The beginning of the project is empty and shows no promise, but then pen hits the paper, fingers strike the keys, melodies and harmonies begin to form and instantly there is something there that wasn't before. It's exciting, it's exhilarating, it's life. I want that to be my life. So if anyone wants to support me financially to quit my job so I can write and only write for the rest of my days, I wouldn't fight you. I would probably thank you. Do I dare say, I may even hug you? This is just a transition period. One day I will get to do what I want. It will happen. Until then, here's to you less than satisfying jobs!

p.s. This is my blog but so I know that people are actually reading and/or even care, leave a comment or else consequences either related to or unrelated to your decision will happen.

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